About the osteopath

In 2009 I started the Osteopathy course at the College Sutherland in Amsterdam. On February 12, 2017 I obtained my title Diploma in Osteopathy (D.O.) with the scientific research into the effectiveness of osteopathy in irritable bowel syndrome.

From an early age I have been interested in people and nature. My passion drive me every day to discover more about this. In order to explain the interdependence and coherence between the different systems in the human body, natural laws are used in osteopathy. Because of the way of looking and thinking, for me osteopathy with its philosophy is closest to nature.

In osteopathy we look for loss of movement of tissue in the body. In fact, every structure is examined for its mobility. By looking for the cause of the complaint, instead of just looking at the symptom, osteopathy offers solutions where other treatments stop. In addition to resolving the complaint, I try to prevent new complaints with preventive treatment.

After completing my osteopathy training, I became skilled in pediatric osteopathy. Working with newborn and children is inspiring. Children are often unable to put their complaints into words, making specialist knowledge and trained sense of touch essential.

Training and courses
  • Medische basisopleiding , 04-03-2011 te Amsterdam
  • Opleiding Osteopathie, 2011-2017 te Amsterdam
  • Funktionelle Anatomie am Präparat – Untere Extremität , 02-04-2012 te Heidelberg
  • Funktionelle Anatomie am Präparat – Abdomen Extremität , 21/02/2014 te Heidelberg
  • Voedingsleer, 21-03-2014 te Amsterdam
  • Osteopathie en wetenschap, 14-11-2014 te Amsterdam
  • Diploma Osteopathische Geneeskunde, 12-02-2017 te Amsterdam
  • Osteopathie in de topsport module I, 05-05-2017 te Donaustauf
  • Opleiding osteopathie bij kinderen, 2017-2019 Pro Osteo te Rijen
  • Deelname aan het congres osteopathie bij kinderen, 10-05-2018 te Antwerpen
  • Perfection in the management of vertebral adjustment, 2019 Pro Osteo te Rijen
  • Gediplomeerd kinder en baby osteopaat, 2019 Pro Osteo te Rijen


Baby Jeppe suffered from hidden reflux and a preferred posture. Mother Saskiacame to visit and has blogged her last visit with Jeppe.View the vlog here!

Wetenschappelijk onderzoek


In order to obtain the title Diploma in Osteopathy (D.O.), I conducted research in collaboration with Barbara van Loon into the effectiveness of osteopathy in patients with IBS. The official title of the study is: Conducting a randomized scientific study into the effectiveness of osteopathy in the treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome, compared to no treatment, without distinction in various subgroups.

With this research we have our title D.O. (diplomated osteopath, certified osteopath). “The results of the study are encouraging. They invite more research. A follow-up study is currently being prepared in collaboration with other researchers.’a randomized scientific study into the effectiveness of osteopathy in the treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome, compared to no treatment, without distinction in various subgroups.

With this research we have our title D.O. (diplomated osteopath, certified osteopath). “The results of the study are encouraging. They invite more research. A follow-up study is currently being prepared in collaboration with other researchers.’ren van een gerandomiseerd wetenschappelijk onderzoek naar de effectiviteit van osteopathie bij de behandeling van het Prikkelbare Darm Syndroom, in vergelijking tot geen behandeling, zonder onderscheid in diverse subgroepen.

Wetenschappelijk onderzoek

Osteopathy in top sport

In May 2017 I followed a module in osteopathy in top sport. The module took place in the Valhalla of football sport: EDEN REHA. Klaus Eder, osteopath of Bayern Munich and the German national team, and Peter Schwind taught me about preventing and remedying injuries in top sport.


“Zeker een aanbeveling om snel van je klachten af te zijn.”

Y. Boekelman

“Heel fijn. Het heeft mij heel goed geholpen om van mijn klachten af te komen, ik zou Kai iedereen aan raden die onbekende klachten heeft!”

I. Burghgraef

“Highly Recommend. Amazing service and really really helped me.”

K. Newsham

"Kai is a spectacular professional. I went to him with lower back pain and tinnitus. He is the first person on my long way journey with these conditions, who is actually treating the real issue in my body instead of the symptoms."

B. David